Test Information Guide

Overview and Test Objectives
Field 30: Italian

Test Overview

Table outlining the test format, number of questions, time, and passing score.
Format Computer-based test (CBT); 55 multiple-choice and short-answer items and 4 open-response assignments (1 requires an oral response)
Number of Questions
  • Subarea I: 1 open-response item
  • Subarea II: 1 open-response item
  • Subarea III: 28–30 multiple-choice items
  • Subarea IV: 25–27 multiple-choice items
  • Subarea V: 1 open-response item
  • Subarea VI: 1 open-response item
Time 4 hours (does not include 15-minute CBT tutorial)
Passing Score 240

The Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) are designed to measure a candidate's knowledge of the subject matter contained in the test objectives for each field. The MTEL are aligned with the Massachusetts educator licensure regulations and, as applicable, with the standards in the Massachusetts curriculum frameworks.

The test objectives specify the content to be covered on the test and are organized by major content subareas. The chart below shows the approximate percentage of the total test score derived from each of the subareas.

The test assesses a candidate's proficiency and depth of understanding of the subject at the level required for a baccalaureate major according to Massachusetts standards. Candidates are typically nearing completion of or have completed their undergraduate work when they take the test.

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

Test Objectives

Table outlining test content and subject weighting by sub area and objective.
Subareas Range of Objectives Approximate Test Weighting
III Linguistics and Language Structures 07–09 17%
IV Cultural Perspectives, Comparisons, and Connections 10–12 15%
I Listening Comprehension 01–03 19%
II Reading Comprehension 04–06 19%
V Written Expression 13 15%
VI Oral Expression 14 15%


Subarea I–Listening Comprehension

Objective 0001: Derive information from a variety of culturally authentic oral messages (e.g., telephone message, media message, speech, lecture, public address announcement, conversation) in the target language.

For example:

Objective 0002: Apply skills of inference to a variety of culturally authentic oral messages (e.g., telephone message, media message, speech, lecture, public address announcement, conversation) in the target language.

For example:

Objective 0003: Analyze a variety of culturally authentic oral messages (e.g., telephone message, media message, speech, lecture, public address announcement, conversation) in the target language.

For example:


Subarea II–Reading Comprehension

Objective 0004: Demonstrate understanding of the literal content of a variety of authentic materials (e.g., brochure, website, newspaper article, letter, email, literary work) written in the target language.

For example:

Objective 0005: Apply skills of inference to a variety of authentic materials (e.g., brochure, website, newspaper article, letter, email, literary work) written in the target language.

For example:

Objective 0006: Analyze a variety of authentic materials (e.g., brochure, website, newspaper article, letter, email, literary work) written in the target language.

For example:


Subarea III–Linguistics and Language Structures

Objective 0007: Demonstrate understanding of the nature of first-, second-, and heritage-language acquisition.

For example:

Objective 0008: Demonstrate understanding of and apply the linguistic structures of the target language.

For example:

Objective 0009: Demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences between the target language and English.

For example:


Subarea IV–Cultural Perspectives, Comparisons, and Connections

Objective 0010: Demonstrate knowledge of major developments in the history of target-language-speaking cultures and the significance of these developments.

For example:

Objective 0011: Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between the perspectives and products of target-language-speaking cultures.

For example:

Objective 0012: Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between the perspectives and practices of target-language-speaking cultures.

For example:


Subarea V–Written Expression

Objective 0013: In response to a given prompt, write a well-organized passage of several paragraphs in the target language for a specified audience and purpose.


Subarea VI–Oral Expression

Objective 0014: In response to a given prompt, communicate an effective oral message in the target language for a given audience and purpose.