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Educator Preparation Program Providers
Test Preparation and Program Planning: Information and Resources
Test Information
On the Test Info page, you and your candidates can find:
- General program and test information
- Licensure requirements information
- Links to test-specific information pages
Review information on Test Development Activities.
Get involved in test development for the MTEL .
Helping Candidates Prepare for the MTEL
Make sure candidates know how to make the most of these preparation tools:
- Test objectives
Defining test content - Test information guides
Providing general program and test information, test-taking strategies, test objectives, sample questions, test directions, and open-response rubrics - Practice tests for many fields
Providing sample questions plus information on using the practice test in a study plan, evaluating answers, and calculating a score - Prep videos and computer-based testing tutorials
Providing information to help candidates prepare effectively and become familiar with the computer-based test experience and testing center
Helping Candidates Prepare for MTEL-Flex
MTEL-Flex: Supporting Your Candidates Webinar
- provides information about MTEL-Flex, an innovative option that is now available to some MTEL candidates who have come very close to passing their MTEL subject matter test
- discusses how educator preparation programs can provide appropriate support to students who have registered to complete MTEL-Flex
Worksheets and Handouts
Candidate Readiness Profile
Have the candidate complete this before your first planning meeting—includes instructions and useful information for candidates and advisors
Objective-to-Course Matching Chart: aligning course content with test objectives
For use by
Study Outline Chart
Provided for candidates in Section 2 of each Test Information Guide, with instructions for use in the "Focus your studies" section
Interpreting Score Report Information and Assisting Candidates
Score report explanations
Helping your candidates interpret their test results These resources may be used in program planning and describe how to understand and use candidates' performance information.
Understanding and Analyzing Program Data Technical Manual (updated annually) Here you can find:
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education makes available to educator preparation programs a supply of MTEL test fee vouchers to assist their students with test fees. In addition to the vouchers provided to educator preparation programs on behalf of the Department, vouchers are available for purchase by educator preparation programs to provide candidates with full or partial credit toward fees for test registration and preparation resources.
To purchase test registration vouchers, please complete and submit a Voucher Request Form
To purchase Right Start vouchers by purchase order or check, please complete and submit a Right Start Voucher Request Form
To purchase practice test vouchers, please complete and submit a Practice Test Voucher Order Form Note: When available, practice tests for National Evaluation Series™ assessments are added to candidates' carts automatically during registration at no additional cost, so vouchers are not necessary.
Information on interpreting candidate score report information and advising candidates on future preparation
Educator Preparation Program Planning and Use of Data
Information about reports provided to educator preparation programs and Massachusetts DESE
Technical Information
MTEL Test Schedule and Score Report Dates
Purchasing Vouchers
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